Baker Breeze - Ann Baker, Realtor. 714-791-4455

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I made the decision the minute it happened. After all, I’ve spewed enough positive quotes in the Baker Breeze for the last 15 years to know that I either had to walk the talk or be a hypocrite. Now, within minutes, I’d have to choose to believe all of it or go the poor me route. The truth is, I’m happy to say, it didn’t really cross my mind to feel sorry for myself because we don’t go out very far anyway. You see, that sunny day a few weeks ago at Laguna Beach, the smaller waves were breaking right on the shore…impossible to ride in. We didn’t feel like driving anywhere else that day. Sooo, I stepped over the smaller Laguna waves breaking on shore and thought I’d just float out beyond them on my board. So here comes a really big one, really fast and hard. What to do. In an instant I thought I’d float over it since I didn’t know how to go under it with my boogie board. Too late I realized it would break right on top of me so, not knowing what else to do, I turned to ride this monster in. Well, the wave broke right on my head slamming me to the ocean floor as I tumbled over and over. I shot my left arm to protect my head from hitting the bottom and was eventually tossed onto the shore dazed and glad to be in one piece. Talk about cleaning up the ocean floor! But with my face? I had sand in my mouth, ears, hair and everywhere! My hand began to swell, but so what? I laughed thinking it was a little sprain and, at least, I didn’t get it mopping the kitchen floor, working in the garage, or in a car accident. I iced it up, but, oh boy, by morning it was almost double size, very bruised and hurting.
Off to urgent care Wally and I went followed by x-rays and the orthopedic doc. Okay so the left hand is broken and now in a cast. But guess what?
This makes me a sports jock! A dude! I hope the grandchildren are impressed that Grandma Annie didn’t slip getting up out of a rocking chair. And my beautiful purple bandage matched perfectly the outfit I wore to a wedding the next week. A little Tylenol does the trick and I’m functioning pretty much up to normal speed. Wally helps me put up my open house signs and I’m typing the B Breeze with one hand, but the cast will be off in another week or two. It’s healing nicely so maybe it’s good for me to do things a little slower.

Being an observer of human nature, it’s been fun to observe people’s reaction when they see this cast. Personality types figure into the responses. For example, type A co-worker says, “Oh, no! I hope it doesn’t affect your work!” Kindly son Rob, who taught us to boogie board, looks at it with sad eyes as if it’s somehow, his fault. “Oh, no!” he says, “I’m so sorry!” Then, I got a dressing down from him on the different kinds of waves and how to avoid “slammers”. And Wally? I think he was a little ticked at me for going in that day when the waves were pretty big further out. But, in true devoted husband style, he’s been helpful. Other reactions include a wedding guest, “What’s boogie boarding?” Another dainty lady said, “Yeow, yuck, you mean you actually get into that dirty water?” Another said, “Okay, who did you slug?” One friend thought I should make a better story out of it including a shark, etc.

There’s been much joking between Wally and I speculating on who to sue since we live in such a litigious state. You see, we’re great believers in taking responsibility for our own actions, don’t much believe in the entitlement mentality and sure don’t believe in tuning into the victim mentality. So, who should I sue? I know! The wave! Well, there’s no deep pocket there. Hmm. Okay, shall I sue Mother Nature? How about suing God? Isn’t it His ocean?

Nah. None of that works for me because I’ve learned so much from this whole experience. For example, the greatest response to this cast was from Carol who does my hair. Oh, yes! Great benefit number one! I can’t reach up to do my hair so I get to trot into Carol’s for awhile for her to do it. Anyway, she took one look at me, laughed, and said, “The second half of life really is better, isn’t it?” Right on! You see, even three years ago you wouldn’t catch me in that cold water, much less riding waves, but enter wet suits and grandkids who wanted to go, and well, we’re kids again! And since 60 is the new 40, and 50 is the new 30, count me in! Let’s prove the theory!

Most of all, I’ve learned we’re all pretty vulnerable and to treasure what I have. See, even though my left hand is in a cast, I have another one! My right hand! I’ve got lots of other stuff too that came through…2 ears, 2 legs, 2 eyes, a brain…and they all work! Indeed, my cup is half full! Oh, I’ll be a little more careful next time, but, hey, when you’re a dude, a jock, life is much more exciting than joining the rocking chair crowd, so, I say to life…bring it on! Uh, but a little more carefully.

(Words 937)

“Make the least of all that goes and the most of all that comes.” Ruth Bell Graham

“Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?” Phyllis Diller

“Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?” Vin Scully

“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be”. Thomas Kempis

”A closed mouth gathers no feet.” (Oliver’s Law)

Name: Ann Baker