Baker Breeze - Ann Baker, Realtor. 714-791-4455

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

DATING & MARRIAGE: Spoiled Rotten

Disclaimer: Warning! If mushy, romantic stuff is not your cup of tea, do not read the following article! It is unashamedly, blatantly, hopelessly mushy!
It’s funny. Of all the things I’ve written about in the Baker Breeze for over 14 years, the greatest response I’ve gotten from any of you is your delight when Wally and I got married last May. I’ve tried to figure out why. Why should anyone give a hoot when two old codgers like us find each other so late in life? But that’s just it, I’ve learned. Singles of all ages who seem to be okay with their lives light up when they learn that, “even Ann” found a great partner. I, too, was a relatively happy single and had made up my mind it was okay when Wally burst into my life setting off all the bells and whistles. So I guess we’ve been somewhat of an inspiration to not only the singles, but to you dear readers who have wanted me to be as happy as you are in your marriage. How kind of you! Since everyone seems to want to know how we’re getting on, here it is!

I am spoiled completely rotten! I expected the honeymoon to wear off in these 9 months. But, no way!
He far exceeds my wildest expectations because, he is even more than I thought he was! So each sweet unexpected thing Wally does blows me away!

It’s the simple stuff that touches me. For example, efficient single that I was for many years, I’d leave the living room light on with an automatic timer so that I never came home after work to a dark and lonely house. I didn’t know what a difference it would make to walk in the door and be greeted by that warm, good-natured, glad to be alive, isn’t life great, smile. And sometimes, the smell of something delicious he’s cooked up if he had time. Little things…making a mental note to myself while running in and out on appointments….”Self, put the trash at the curb tonight, empty the baskets.” Next time I run in the door, poof! He’s done it already! I didn’t even have to ask. Can he really understand how much that lifts my spirits? I keep telling him.

And then there’s the food thing! We both love to cook because we simply love to eat! Nothing fancy.
Did you ever meet a glutton who didn’t like to cook? Well, I’m that glutton and I like to cook almost anything! Wally is quite handy in the kitchen too…salmon cooked in spices, the greatest country breakfasts in the world, special Wally pancakes made from scratch and even pretty good salads. Not to be outdone, I must demonstrate my culinary skills with my crockpot. Sour kraut layered with pork chops and potatoes and cooked all day, my own spaghetti sauce from scratch (almost) and homemade soups. Now that all sounds pretty healthy doesn’t it? But not if you eat plate after hoggish plate like I’m doing! The fact is, even with my walking a lot, I’m projecting I’ll weigh 400 pounds in another 2 years! But it is so fun to eat together! Then you add our favorite restaurants when we’re too tired to cook and, well, you get the idea!

So, we’re trying to get back to some ballroom dancing. We met at a dance, you know. The very first dance, he snuggled up close to me and I thought, “How dare he? I hardly know him!” But, it felt so good that I snuggled up to him and the rest is history. Playing house is fun, Hanging his favorite pictures mixed with mine seems, perfect. And I haven’t even mentioned the fun of being Grandma Annie to his three little doll grandchildren! And he seems to enjoy my 2 angel grandchildren too! Honestly, I didn’t know life could be so good. It’s as if we went backwards to being young again, or at least, young at heart. Wally even helps me with my real estate putting up signs for me and going over reports with me! He continues to work 2-3 days a week as a pharmacist because he loves it.

Maybe we appreciate each other more because we’re older and know life can be short now. But that doesn’t exactly make sense because you can be young with no guarantees in life and be hit by a truck so who’s to say when we each check out? Or maybe it’s the long years alone. I had no clue how sweet it would be to have a loving companion, a true friend who makes me laugh a lot, a handsome dude, even a partner with my family

Because, you see, I didn’t know there was a Wally until that wonderful day he danced into my life! I warned you it would be mushy! You’ll have to excuse me now. I need to turn the light on in the window and start dinner before he gets home so I can spoil him rotten too!

Name: Ann Baker