Baker Breeze - Ann Baker, Realtor. 714-791-4455

Friday, September 12, 2008


Against all odds, in the midst of a serious illness she struggled on. She had lost her job five years ago when she was stricken with massive migraines several times a week. She went to many doctors. The best. All they could offer her was medication to dull the pain, sapping her energy. She tried the holistic approach, massage, diet, whatever. It seemed all was lost. Her job, her health, even friends who could get out and go left her in the dust.

Those who loved her advised her to take the teaspoon of energy she had and write her book. You see, she had graduated from college as biology major and had worked at Cal Tech in the owl department as a young assistant years before. On Valentine’s Day, 1985, Cal Tech gave Stacey an injured four day old baby owlet who could never live on his own due to a damaged wing. He fit into the palm of her hand and needed to be fed every two hours in the beginning for several months. She was immediately smitten with him, promised to care for the helpless lump of feathers and gave him a permanent home. She named him Wesley.

And so began an astonishing 19 year journey, an unheard of relationship between a human and an owl. With a tender heart and a scientist’s eye, Stacey studied Wesley’s strange habits and even provided a mice-only required diet for him. Oh yes, many funny adventures happened to her as she shopped trying to find enough mice to meet his growing hunger.

She snapped many photos of him, as any proud parent would do, recording his antics from a helpless ball of fuzz to a playful, clumsy adolescent to a gorgeous gold and white macho adult owl with his own unique personality. He did things that went against all previous known data in the scientific world. He loved water for example. They developed a language together because she listened to him. She has a video as evidence of his responses to different phrases. He was fiercely loyal and protective of her although she could have done without Wesley’s driving away her would-be human suitors.

So, between headaches she did write her book. She attended a writer’s conference two years ago and was immediately snatched up by a good publishing agent who connected her to one of the top publishers in the country. Simon and Schuster. They fell in love with the story of Wesley. It is unheard of, or at least very rare, for a beginning author to sign on with a major publisher like that.

After many revisions, “Wesley the Owl” by Stacey O’Brien hit the book stores all over the country last Tuesday, August 19th. You can find it at Barnes and Nobles, Bella Terra, upstairs on the New Non-Fiction display table. Multiple radio interviews all over the country are happening now. Her book was reviewed last week in USA Today and the prestigious Publishers Weekly with good reviews. There will be another review in People Magazine 9/15. Last Saturday she was the keynote speaker at the LA Natural History Museum, her favorite childhood haunt.

Next week she leaves for the Denver area for book signings. Here in Huntington, she is booked for signings September 20 at TK Wild Birds Unlimited, 19680 Beach Blvd. She will be one of the main speakers for the Southern California Writers’ Conference Sept 26-28. Stacey is still amazed at all this thinking it’s a dream. It is a dream come true, a proof that tenacity overcomes every obstacle. She modestly credits the many prayers of family and friends who have encouraged her these two years for her success. They continue to pray that the book will do well. It should since it’s extremely entertaining. Any animal lover will bask in the warmth of it. I just finished reading it. I giggled and cried at the love that goes on in their journey together. Indeed, she saved Wesley’s life and as she became seriously ill, she is herself rescued from death by the insistent love and courage of this wild animal.

Stacey grew up with this saying on the family refrigerator.
“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence.
Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve
the problems of the human race.”

As you may have guessed by now, Stacey is my daughter. More than just being proud of her accomplishment, I stand amazed at her achievement. I knew she had the talent but I didn’t know she had the physical strength to write it. She has, indeed, made lemonade out of her lemons. After all, she might never have written this if she hadn’t been so sick and unable to work... I believe it proves the theory that if you have a passion for something, the passion will carry you to your goal. We gave a reception for her last Sunday for family and friends who have encouraged her these two years. I read the “Press On” quote and we toasted her and wished her every success. She has lots of books inside her heart. A children’s book about Wesley, hamster stories from raising so many of them. (Don’t ask what her room was like as a child. That’s another story. You parents of animal lovers will know what I mean). And much more.

I invite you to buy the book because you will enjoy it. There are some things in there about me too. Some embarrassing, some funny, but never mind. You can also order it on line at We’d be glad to get it autographed for you, if you like. For those of you raising children, you might enjoy posting “Press On” on your refrigerator. Who knows what will happen? She did it. I hope this is an inspiration to everyone that, against all odds, you can achieve your dream.
(Portions of this article are quoted from the book jacket.)
978 words so far

Quote at bottom of page one:
“Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, til you find your dream.” (Rodgers and Hammerstein)

Inspirational Quotes:

“Out of suffering comes creativity. You can not spell painting without pain.” J. Lithgow

“Search for the seed of good in every adversity.” Og Mandino

“Just go out there and do what you’ve got to do.” Martina Naratilova

“If the mountain was smooth, you couldn’t climb it.”

“Ordinary people accomplish extraordinary things.”

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” William Eardley !V

“Wringing your hands only stops you from rolling up your sleeves.” James Rollins

“It doesn’t matter where you came from. It only matters where you’re going.” Unknown

“The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it’s open”.

“One’s only security in life comes from doing something uncommonly well.” A. Lincoln

“The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it.” Chinese proverb

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.” Gandhi

L U C K equals Labor Under Correct Knowledge


“I’ve told you a zillion times! Don’t exaggerate.”

“According to recent findings, as a result of the baby boomer generation aging, global warming may well be caused by the number of women having hot flashes at any one time.”

“They’re not hot flashes. They’re power surges.” Ann Baker

“The cheapest face lift is a good laugh.”

Found on a customer service wall: “We have not succeeded in answering all of your questions. In fact, we have not completely answered any of them. The answers we have, however, do serve to raise a whole new set of questions about problems we had not thought of previously. In some ways we are as confused as you are, but we believe our confusion is on a higher plane and about more important matters.”

“Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?”

“I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something.” Jackie Mason

“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness didn’t know where to shop.”

ADS Continue San Carlos Pending and add Alisa Lane Active.

20492 Alisa Lane, South Huntington Beach, Park Huntington
Beautiful tri-level model. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large living room with vaulted ceiling, dining room, upgraded kitchen with Salistone counters, refinished cabinets and recessed lights. It’s the only Park Huntington model with a large family room downstairs with fireplace, built in shelving wet bar and ½ bath. All the downstairs has gorgeous wood floors. Breezy sunroom opens to very large yard. Call for more information.


As noted in the Orange County Register, the volume of sales is up 17% in Orange County compared to one year ago after a 33 month slump. This is good news for the real estate market even though some of these sales are attributed to foreclosures. Why is it good news? Because it means buyers are starting to buy realizing that this is an opportune time due to low rates and good inventory. As these homes sell and go into escrow, the door opens for other homes coming on the market. Currently, there are only 4 single family residences in foreclosure in South HB meaning that families desiring to live in the Edison High School, Sowers Middle School area must shop among regular homes for sale.
Here’s the story on foreclosures. They are not always the best deal in town. Why? From first hand experience, I can tell you of what several of my current buyers are going through. One of my buyers has written two different offers on two different condos in HB. The first one had 20 offers, was listed by the realtor at a very low price bringing buyers and investors out of the woodwork seeking a “deal”. But, the bank is not the one who came up with the list price. The agent and seller listed it at whatever they chose to. They have no way of knowing if that is the price the bank would even consider. As a matter of fact, after they had many offers submitted, the bank countered back at a much higher price than the list price probably because the loan owed was more than the list price. We were told to counter with our “best and highest” offer. My buyer didn’t’ get the condo. It sold for almost $100,000 above list price. It’s almost as emotional as an auction. People start out-bidding each other and lose track of the real value of the property. Other properties that seem like a deal because they are lower than the comparables come with statements such as “as is” meaning no repairs will be made, no credits to buyer will be considered. In such a case, it is extremely important to have a home inspection and a good agent to protect your interests. In another case I’ve worked on, the bank allowed offers to stack up for many weeks just waiting for the highest and best offer. Meanwhile my buyer got discouraged and we’ve shopped elsewhere. I’m not saying a foreclosure is never a good deal. I’m saying expect the worst. Difficulties. Long waits. But most of all be aware that the list price is no guarantee that the bank will consider anywhere near that as an actual sales price. That list price can actually be bait to get a slew of offers on the table and see who they can get to go higher. Seems unfair but that’s how it works sometimes. At any rate, take heart. The market is showing signs of improvement. It’s a great time to get on with your life. Move where you want to move and buy your next home at a reasonable price.

Name: Ann Baker

Surfin’ USA

“If everybody had an ocean across the USA.
Then everybody’d be surfin’ like Californ I A
You’d see ‘um wearin’ their baggies, Harachi sandals too.
A bushy bushy blond hairdo. Surfin’ USA” (The Beach Boys)

Yes, my family arrived here last week from Riverside for a few days and Michael, who celebrates his 16th birthday soon, had never had a surfing lesson. Neither had his mom Gloria, my daughter. She had tried it a few times in high school and described it as exhausting by the time you swim out with this 8 foot long board, climb up on the thing and try to catch a wave at just the right time, then paddle out again navigating over the waves you don’t want. And you have to catch them at just the right spot too. But she was anxious to try it again.

As we got in the car to go to Bolsa Chica State Beach last Friday morning I had my CD qued up to “Surfin’ USA”. Off we went so they could each have a pre-arranged private lesson with the local surf school. Gloria and I joked for days before about having the paramedics ready with oxygen and IV bags for when she came out of the water. All this to say that we are a water family getting in the pool or ocean as often as we can. Even Lucas, their part Lab Shepherd actually does laps in the family pool in good ol’ hot Riverside. We call him Rescue Dog because he will not allow anyone to go under water if he’s by the pool. Megan, 14 years old and a dolphin in the water gets exasperated with him because when she dives under, Lucas actually comes and gently takes her long hair and pulls her to the steps. So, we have to shut him in the shady dog run if we want to swim underwater at all.

Now, you talk about animals being intelligent! When I’m visiting at their house and floating around in the pool with a noodle, if anyone calls out, “Rescue, rescue!” Lucas swims out, takes hold of the noodle and drags me to the steps…not just to any old edge of the pool. I’m not making this up. Now Holly, their German Shepherd, is having none of it and cools off by digging in the cool dirt in the planter.

But, I digress. Back to surfin’ USA. Michael and Gloria had no idea if they’d be able to stand up on the surf board the first lesson but they both had wonderful coaches who first showed them how…on the shore. I shot zillions of pictures. Now, they are both pretty athletic and went at it with such zeal that each of them really got up pretty quickly. As long as I live I will never forget the look on Gloria’s face as she carried the surf board on her head out to the surf. The cat that swallowed the canary. The look, “I’m doing it.” See the picture for yourself.

Later, they lay their exhausted bodies on our beach blankets, slept hard for awhile never moving a muscle. But after some rest and food, we three went out again and boogie boarded all afternoon. Wally and Megan monitored all this and guarded our stuff.

How can I describe what a thrill the ocean and boogie boarding is to me? To be totally surrounded by nature, the sound of the surf every few seconds, the color turquoise, blue, silver, white all around you, the salt air smell, the cool breeze, the horizon where blue melts into silver, the warm sand under your feet, the cozy wet suit keeping me warm, the power you feel when nature takes her arm, lifts you up and gives you a fast ride into shore.…well, it’s heaven. And Bolsa Chica State Beach has perfect waves for beginners like us. We even saw 4 dolphins frolicking further out in the surf headed toward Long Beach.

Oh, yeah, I had a surfing lesson in Hawaii on our honeymoon 4 years ago. Had to do it. Lifelong dream. My coach showed me on land how to stand up, but out in the water, I thought he must be kidding telling me to stand up on that wiggly board on that jingly water. So, it’s back to my friendly boogie board. But Michael and Gloria tell me it’s an indescribable sensation to actually stand up on the water…on your own.

“You’ll catch ‘em surfin’ at Del Mar, Ventura City line
Santa Cruz and Trestles, Australia, Narabine.
All over Manhattan and down Doheny way
Everybody’s gone surfin’, surfin’ USA.”

My only regret is that I didn’t start younger and learn to surf. I sat ladylike on the beach for 2 decades not wanting to be in the cold water or mess up my hair. Ridiculous. Now, I’m proud to come out of the water wearing the sand in my ears and hair as a badge of honor as I say to myself, “You did it, kid!” I’m a California girl by way of inland Memphis and upstate New York.

“Well east coast girls are hip, I really dig those styles they wear
And the southern girls with the way they talk, they knock me out when I’m down there. I wish they all could be California girls. The west coast has the sunshine and the girls all get so tanned. I dig a French bikini on Hawaii Island, dolls by a palm tree in the sand. I wish they all could be California girls. ”

Ok, I’m not exactly a girl anymore but when I’m in the water I feel like one. And it makes me happy to be alive. The blue Pacific is practically in our back yards and going there is a fabulous way to get in touch with nature. Do get down to the beach in this wonderful weather and soak it all up. Literally. Even just walking and collecting shells is a delight. Enjoy! Have a great summer! “If everybody had an ocean, across the USA, then everybody’d be surfin’ like Californ I A”…..

Word count 1035
Quote at bottom of first page:
Those that say you can’t take it with you never saw a car packed for a vacation trip.

In a box…..

This is a great time to purchase property for investment that can contribute to your retirement or the kids college education someday. Let the property as a rental pay for itself over time. The money is in the land. God’s not making any more dirt.
Think about it. There are hundreds of bank owned property now but it won’t last forever.
Call me and I can prepare a specific list of BANK OWNED properties for you. I’ll need specifics: county, city, price range single family residence or condo at least. Otherwise the list would be too large for you to deal with. Plan for your financial future. Take advantage of this market today!

A clean house is the sign of a broken computer.
Get hooked up on high speed internet. It crashes a lot faster now.
Dear Lord, if you can’t make me skinny, please make my friends fat.
Only on a cruise ship will you pay hundreds of dollars a day to sleep in a closet.
I’m not stubborn. My way is just better.
I’m confused. Wait. Maybe I’m not.
Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
Remember, as far as anyone knows, we’re a normal family.
You don’t have to be crazy to work here. We’ll train you.
My garage. My rules.
What happens in the garage stays in the garage.
Oh, my God. Mother was right about everything.
I didn’t say it was your fault. I said I was going to blame you.
“We have a criminal jury system superior to any in the world; and its efficiency is only marred by the difficulty of finding 12 men every day who don’t know anything and can’t read.” Mark Twain

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Click School Information. This great page gives you a customized report on your school including expenditure per student, % of degrees in the area, number of students per teacher and much more. It has lists and charts of how many students per teacher in the surrounding schools.
Want more information on my listings? Click Featured Listings

This website is state of the art and a great resource for you and your family. It’s easy to use and, of course, is free. Enjoy

Name: Ann Baker


I didn’t want to go. Too much work to shop, sort, pack the food and clothes, get good coverage for my clients while I’m gone, coordinate with the rest of the family with the campsite and cabins, make the long drive, unpack, etc. In addition, Wally wanted me to bring my guitar to sit around the fire and have a sing-a-long. Forget it. I haven’t touched my guitar in 2 years! All total, just too much effort. Indeed, I had a bad case of Home-it is. But, Wally did most of the food shopping and packing the car. As I watched him load it, I was doubly sure it wouldn’t be worth it.

Until we got to the timberline at Sequoia National Forrest where we have gone each summer for many years. When we rolled down the windows, letting in the cool pine scented air, drinking in the lush green forest and listened to the blue jays and rushing streams, suddenly it was worth all the effort. What was I thinking? The five hour drive was pleasant and the cabin was beautiful.

We go every year. We call it the Farris Hilton Camping. (My married name is Farris. I’m really Ann Baker Farris). We get a campsite so we can sit around the fire at night with the two sons, wives and four grandchildren ages 8, 6, 5, and 2. But, you know, we need showers at night and a place to sleep away from the cold, flies and maybe bears? So we rent a cabin. We have a few combined meals together but otherwise meet at the campsite, by a rushing stream whenever we’re ready each day.

Waking every morning, we sit on the deck and lay out peanuts for the Blue jays to enjoy while we bathe in the Sequoias…thousands of years old. The first night and morning, deer walk through our lot.

How can I describe instant peace? There is not match anywhere for “the purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain.” Walking through the woods together, we had to shout to be heard over the roar of the crystal roaring stream...if we chose to talk at all! The fish were jumping and the grandkids caught lots of trout even with their Barbie Doll poles. And Grandpa (Wally) and his sons caught all they wanted but taught the little girls how to gently release the fish and let them go. The fun is in the catching. And then the s’mores by the fire at night…yummy. I got out my guitar having forgotten how much I enjoy it and passed out song books and the rhythm instruments (tambourine, maracas, weirro). We sang the old camp songs along with “Old McDonald” and more…even Leroy Brown and had a hootin good time One afternoon I sat alone by the stream and played and sang for hours all my old favorites…”Somewhere Over the Rainbow”, some Calypso stuff, and some rock and roll. The blue jays sang their approval and didn’t even care when I blew a wrong chord. And I didn’t’ care either. The family is so darling and appreciative that it was pure joy to share some music with them. Indeed, we discussed maybe buying a ukulele for son Rob so he could help out. So we are now the Farris Band…not always exactly in tune, but, well, happy which is the whole point.

There also is no match for the pure silence in the woods. At night you hear a stream far away, a dog’s bark echoing clear across the canyon, the whinny of a horse somewhere, and then the total silence. With each breath we relaxed a little more.

And, oh, what appetites we had! I’m sure I ate my weight justified by the hiking up and down to the streams. And some afternoons, daughter-in-law Mary and I sat on a bluff overlooking a stream and read, read, read. She is my soul mate reading companion. We steal sidelong glances at each other for fear the other will start a conversation when all we really want to do is read, read, read while we have the chance while the kids are fishing with their dads, and Grandpa. There was plenty of time left to play checkers, cards and chess at the picnic table. Plenty of time…that’s the whole idea. Plenty of time to dream, walk, eat, play, sleep and contemplate catching the fish which you can actually see in the stream.

Oh, most fun of all, we took a little rubber boat with us to put in our secret pond to float around in. Why is that so much fun? The water was pure ice almost but what a hoot! Steering with a tree branch.

This is paradise. There is a place away from the freeways, cell phones, computers cement, and schedules. I hope for each of you a time out sometime this summer. Go find your Paradise somewhere that suits your fancy and just go! Just the very idea that you can get away is worth every bit of effort. I had forgotten how refreshed we would feel coming home. I could hardly wait to write the “Baker Breeze”, as I am doing now as the washing machine churns away on all those dirty jeans. I am even eager to get back to work and see how my clients are doing with the help of my associate. Life is good. “Summertime and the livin’ is easy”. Don’t be an old stick in the mud like I was until Wally convinced me otherwise. Enjoy it. Life is short so make it good! Happy summer!


If you want breakfast in bed, please sleep in the kitchen.

My mind works like lightning, one brilliant flash and it’s gone.

As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.

The Senility Prayer: God, please grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Name: Ann Baker