Baker Breeze - Ann Baker, Realtor. 714-791-4455

Monday, January 5, 2009


It’s the bad economy, it’s the friends who have been laid off, it’s the pollution we are creating with our plastic bags, and cars. Don’t you feel at least a little guilty that you have a job that you are somehow making it ok even though things are a little tight?
Don’t you feel guilty that you are healthy enough to get around when there are those who can’t? Aren’t you guilty of too much consumption, too much blessing living in a free country when others are starving? Don’t you feel guilty that you are happy when others are sad?

After all, there are plenty of negative Nellie’s out there to remind you of how awful things are. Listen to them and you’ll believe it’s not worth getting out of bed in the morning. The sky is falling. How dare you be happy when others are suffering! And, especially, how dare you get into the holiday spirit midst all these difficulties. How dare you even eat turkey, cruel human that you are! Consider the global warming you contributed to, to get a turkey to your table! Shouldn’t you just go stick your head in the sand and be more hip or stylish and cool by being down?

Well, guess what? Somewhere between giving up and being depressed and being so exuberant that you over spend, over-eat, over-drink, and over-pollute, there lies a valley of serenity. A place of sincerity, concern and honesty. It is called the green valley of moderation.

Of course we should enjoy what we have. We worked hard for the homes we have, for the health we have, the food we are able to buy. In fact, having worked hard for what we have has created the very spirit of gratitude that we so enjoy this season of the year. Many of us have had a hard life from time to time. But that’s no reason to whip out our victim card. We have all the more reason to rejoice when easier times have come.

It really is ok to enjoy all that this season has to offer. In fact, our enjoyment, hopefully, creates in our hearts more empathy, or sympathy for the folks that are having a hard time. It’s even a great opportunity to reach out and share even on the smallest level, some of what we have. There are dozens of organizations, churches, synagogues and schools who are raising money for the needy. Food and clothing banks are available everywhere for us to contribute to.

Indeed, Americans are the most generous people on earth. Always have been. Did you know we are the only nation in the world that allows a tax write off for charitable giving? That’s to encourage giving. There is no need for guilt for the blessings we have. No reason for it. This is our time. In fact, it is the golden opportunity time to light up someone else’s life who is having a hard time. Opportunity knocks. None of us has the perfect life. Some have chronic illnesses, debts, difficult children or dysfunctional relatives. Life is what it is. The magic occurs when, in the midst of it all, we can lift up our leads and say, “Life is good. I’m glad I’m here. This is my time. I’m in the right place. At the right time. Whatever difficulties I have, I will grow from them. And especially this season of the year, I will count every blessing. Even if I have to look for them. For now, I’ll not listen to the negative Nellies. Better days are coming. I will do all I can where I am to make them better for everyone around me, and in the doing, I will be cheered by it too.” Someday we’ll sing, “Happy days are here again.” Until then, we will find happiness and joy with what is, whatever it is.

Take your life by the shirttails and make it the best days you’ve ever had this season by thinking on the positive, by looking for something ordinary to laugh at and by distributing hugs whenever you can to whoever will accept it. The result, guaranteed, will be joy. It will have nothing to do with how much or how little we spend this season. In the meantime, have a holiday free from guilt. Don’t let anyone or anything take the joy of the season away from you!
I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and Feliz Navidad!”

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein
Other quotes:
“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”
“Sometimes we stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open.” Alexander Graham Bell
“Some of us will do our jobs well and some will not, but we will all be judged by only one thing: the result.” Vince Lombardi
“A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and is usually the best way to get there.” H. Stanley Judd
“Failure is nature’s plan to prepare your for greater responsibilities.” Napoleon Hill
“I really do think that any deep crisis is an opportunity to make your life extraordinary in some way.” Martha Beck
Do not fear going slowly. Fear standing still.
“Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend 4 hours sharpening my ax.” Abe Lincoln
Santa Claus has the right idea. Visit people once a year.” Victor Borge

Christmas is a time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell the government what they want and their kids pay for it.” R. Lamn

“Once again we come to the holiday season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his own choice.” Dave Barry
HAVE YOU FALLEN ONTO HARD TIMES? Try the Tiger Woods method to dig yourself out of the sand trap:

The message is this: Life is 10% what you did and 90% what you do next.

No matter how good we are, we still make mistakes or are affected by outside influences that cause us to fail to reach our goal. THE TIMETABLE IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ANY SETBACK IS OUR MOST CRITICAL-and potentially the most dangerous. Any future success we hope to achieve depends on making the best decisions possible at that moment. WITH THE NEW YEAR COMING we must use this critical; time to review and analyze what we are doing in every area of our lives so that we can come up with a better plan for 2009 and take action Here are some Tiger Tips:
If you’ve landed in the rough, look and aim toward the green, not back to the tee. AIM WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.
Decide which club to use. Use the right tools.
Consult your caddie. Get good advice from those you trust.
Analyze your next move before jumping.
Keep your head down and your eye on the ball, and then follow through.
These Tiger tips are great guidelines for any areas of our lives!
In a box:
There’s a new website: You can view the academic performance Index and API scores (academic performance scores), student teacher ratios and graduation rates from al CA districts. schools. This includes charter schools and all elementary and high schools. You can compare 3 at a time side by side. Check it out.

Everywhere I go people ask me how my daughter’s book, “Wesley the Owl” is doing. In case you have a chance, there is a beautiful article about it in the December issue of “Orange Coast Magazine”, page 50. Articles have also appeared in “People” with a 4 star rating, “USA Today”, “The Orange County Register” The Jackson Tribune”, and many others, all with top ratings. It has been rated by as one of the top ten books of the year for both animal stories and nature. At the time of release, it entered the NY Times Best Seller List for Non-Fiction at #13. She has been on dozens of radio interviews across the country. She has spoken to audiences at the LA Museum of Natural History and various other venues in the western United States on the subject of Wesley and owl behavior.
Many teachers and libraries have called who have purchased the book and want their book autographed. It seems it is becoming a classic. “Wesley” will soon be translated and published in other countries including China, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, the UK, Germany, and Brazil. “Wesley” makes a fabulous Christmas gift for anyone who has ever loved a pet. You can purchase it at any Barnes & Nobles book store and most major book stores. B&N at Bella Terra has it on the second floor in Nature section. If you’d like it autographed, call me and we’ll get it autographed for you. What a “hoot” it all is to watch this unfold. This miracle to occur for a first time writer. Every one of the Baker Breeze quotes today apply to Stacey’s tenacity in writing this book while disabled (still is), against all odds, amidst serious pain. She could have just given up after losing her career due to illness, but, instead, has found a new life within the abilities she has. Please take this very personally and know that you, too, can do anything if you set your mind to it! We know that for a fact. My family has triumphed over more hills and valleys than I could ever dare to share with you, as you probably have too. . And yet, we move on, just like you will. Life is good. What is, is and there is always something wonderful just around the corner if we will just hang in there, persevere and believe. But then, I’m preaching again! Sorry! I’m just so happy when I see someone I love, or anyone, conquer over adversity. All the more reason to reach out to those who are going through rough times especially during this Christmas season. The truth is, the story is not all in on any of us yet. We all have lots of mileage left in us regardless of our age or circumstance. young or old. I am totally inspired by Stacey’s story. I pray you will be too. Doesn’t this tell us that we can all have a fabulous holiday and a great 2009 regardless of any odds against us?
Did you know you can search for homes in every possible city in Orange County and other counties by visiting ANYTHING you want to know about any school is there including private schools and colleges. There is a short video and 17 rotating testimonials at the bottom of the page to view. Also, as requested, there is a link to previous Baker Breezes if you have a favorite you want to look up. Let me know what you think of it.

Name: Ann Baker