Baker Breeze - Ann Baker, Realtor. 714-791-4455

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

LIGHTER SIDE:Your Doormats Keep Me Chuckling

These lovely summer evenings, as I go walking among your homes talking with many of you and leaving you notepads, I enjoy the creativity I read on your doormats. They are a great opportunity for you, the home owner, to make a statement. Some are humorous, some very touching and many send me on my way pondering. As you may know, I knock on over 2000 homes in South Huntington Beach. Going out 4-5 times a week, it takes me 6 weeks or so to cover all the tracts I specialize in. That would be homes in Park Huntington, La Cuesta, Deane Gardens, Fashion Shores, Oceanaire, Yorktown, Presley, Beach, Southport, Huntington Strand and Concord Place. That is why I have s crew of 9-10 people who deliver flyers and information to you every week, so that I can take my time coming in person and talk to you as long as you like. Many of you have graciously invited me in to see your home asking for ideas or showing me your newest upgrade. Doing this for over 14 years has made me somewhat of an expert about every single model, what can be done with each, how people have remodeled, where they took the wall out etc. I have become a helpful resource person due to your hospitality. This in addition to meeting so many delightful people…even if they never sell their home! I’m able to enthusiastically share those ideas with another neighbor who needs help in remodeling. I wouldn’t for a minute miss the fun of seeing your home, right down to your new avocado tree, new pedestal sink or new paint in the kitchen. This is how my referral book was started…home owners sharing with me what contractors, plumbers, painters, handymen, etc. that did a good job for them. If they are happy, into the book they go to help out the next person who needs it. Many of you have called me and used the referral book. I welcome your call anytime with no strings attached.

One terrific result in taking the time to listen to you is that it has become very helpful to my clients who call me months before they plan to sell their home to find out what improvements will have a good return on their dollar and which won’t. But I digress. I thought you’d get a kick out of reading some of the 2000 doormats I come across. So, here they are in no particular order. And, please, not all reflect the view of this author, but are enjoyable, none-the-less.

“Our beach house…may your time be filled with relaxing sunsets, cool drinks and sand between your toes.”
“Horse people are stable folk”. “Martha Stewart doesn’t live here.” “If we’re not home, you can find me at Home Depot.” “Home sweet home.” “We love our vacuum, we’ve found God and we gave at the office”. “Gone surfing.” “Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.”
“Who are you, why are you here, what do you want? We’re not home”. “God Bless America”. “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. And may God hold you in the hollow of His hand, ‘til we meet again.” (Irish saying). We shoot every 3rd realtor. The 2nd just left”. “God bless America.” “Bless this house.”
“My dog ate the doormat”. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. “We serve only the finest California wines. Did you bring any?” “God bless this mess.” “Never mind the dog, beware of the kids.” “God bless our mortgaged home.” “Here lives one old fisherman and the catch of his life.” “Attack cat on premises.” “I’m proud to be an American”. “Grandkids spoiled here”. “Gone fishing.” “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.” “Go away.” “One charming person and one old grouch live here.” “Peace to all who enter here”.

Where but in America can you say pretty much what you want, when you want to? It’s your house and your personality shines through. My summer evenings are more enjoyable because of meeting you…and your doormats! Have a great summer and call me when you need me!

Name: Ann Baker